This game was made for and submitted to Mini Jam with the theme: Sky, Doughnut and Warzone

This game is a top-down shooter survival game. It is also my first contribution to a GameJAM. Enemies spawn in waves and there are a total of 3 unique bosses, 5 unique enemies, 1 spell and an upgrade to that spell. 

Total waves: 15

Gamerules: When you advance a wave you will regain one hitpoint if you are damaged. When you are damaged you will have 3 seconds of immortality. All enemies must be defeated in order to advance a wave. Some waves have enemies spawning after a specified amount of time.

I hope you enjoy my game! Feel free to leave your opinion on the Mini Jam discord server. Please reach out to me if you want to work with me in future GameJAMs!


First 24 MB


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This has potential! I made it to wave 8 or 9. Maybe show that in the game over screen? The different enemy types are fun, but the sprinkles are sometime impossible to avoid. Perhaps the chocolate donut can stand still after shooting, so you can trace the bullet trace back to him? And maybe add a pixel art background so the style is consistent?

Keep on keepin' on!


Thank you for your feedback! Means a lot to me :D